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Learn advanced tips & tricks on how to better utilize your Cincopa Account!

What will you learn?
Here's the Agenda for the Webinar!

VOD (9)

1. Switch Accounts
We'll walk you through 'switch accounts' an important feature on your Cincopa account that allows you to switch between different departments/accounts!

2. Integration and SSO
We'll show you how to integrate with your favorite tools and how you can utilize SSO for secure and easy login.

3. How to Push Content from One Cincopa Account to Another OR Between Your Tubes.
We'll make sure you understand exactly how to move your content around your Cincopa account or your Tubes.

4. Set-Up a Live Event on the Tube
With Live Events more popular than ever, we'll show you how to create your own live events directly on your Tube.

4. Set-Up a Pre-Scheduled Show (Linear TV) 
We'll show you how to pre-schedule a show directly on your Cincopa account/Tube!

5. Access Control
We'll make sure you understand your security levels and show you how to utilize them both internally and externally for maximum security.


Register Now to The Bi-Weekly Webinar!